The hoodlums Fabrizio and Dupin are on the run from the police. Their luggage is bursting with jewellery, precious stones and their piano, because Dupin is a pianist (who, however, will only play when supplied with enough chocolate!).

Opera in the class room with the Semperoper Education

In brief

The hoodlums Fabrizio and Dupin are on the run from the police. Their luggage is bursting with jewellery, precious stones and their piano, because Dupin is a pianist (who, however, will only play when supplied with enough chocolate!). He accompanies his best friend Fabrizio, a gifted singer and one of the most wanted jewel thieves, who just can’t resist anything that sparkles and shines. What Fabrizio doesn’t suspect: His supposed partner in crime is actually a policeman who is investigating him in an undercover operation. But, in the end, will Dupin really arrest his best friend? »The thief who sings« was created in 2019 with the wonderful assistance of a Dresden primary school. 15 pupils from this partner school of the Semperoper Dresden helped to devise the educational concept for the production.