In view of today’s political and social trends as well as the controversies that are afflicting the arts, one thing is clear: we must remain in dialogue.

In brief

In view of today’s political and social trends as well as the controversies that are afflicting the arts, one thing is clear: we must remain in dialogue. Three times this season, Semper Zwei will therefore become a discussion podium, encouraging our audience to enter into dialogue. Based on a theme from a production in our programme, we invite renowned speakers to talk about a current hot topic, which will then be discussed on the podium. Of course, the moderator will get the audience to air their views, and so we are looking forward to hearing your opinions! The events are accompanied by a short programme of music.

Hosted by Andreas Berger, Chief Editor of the »Culture« Department at mdr

In cooperation with Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen e.V.

Admission free of charge, admission tickets available at the box office in the Schinkelwache